POD Network 2024


Birds of a Feather Session


POD Network 2024 〰️ Birds of a Feather Session 〰️

Cyndi Kernahan and Jessamyn Neuhaus

Coping with CTL Naysayers, Bad Bosses, and Bullies

Session Information

    • Participants will leave with a list of specific, practical strategies that have worked at other CTLs for coping with the most challenging relationships in educational development work.

    • The session will help educational developers feel supported and encouraged in terms of the emotional, cognitive labor required for coping with difficult interpersonal situations and taxing workplace relationships.

  • Welcome


    Assumptions and actions that make CTL professional relationships challenging. Examples:

    1. Lack of trust/expertise not recognized

    2. Unclear roles

    3. Micromanaging

    4. Accusations of being "unrealistic"

    5. Intersectional systemic biases

    6. Others? 

    7. Cyndi’s examples: Managing up while responding to unrealistic demands; managing sideways when accused of “always being on the student’s side” 

    8. Jessamyn’s examples: Managing sideways when participants expect The Magic Bean or “tips and tricks” to make ongoing challenges of teaching effectively simple and easy; managing from above working to secure office administrative assistance when allocated insufficient support

    Reflections to Self

    Pairs or Small Group Discussion

    1. What has been a particularly challenging professional relationship in your CTL work?

    2. How did this relationship create emotional labor or professional and/or personal damage?

    3.  What strategies/actions did you find most productive in navigating and/or improving this relationship or, when necessary, identifying necessary outside actions (such as legal recourse) or implementing an exit strategy?

Readings and Resources 

Session Takeaways: Sharing Our Best Strategies

Contact Cyndi